Holidays are here!
Dearest 4G,
the holidays are here! Hurray! I know I have made you come back to school for one whole week of supplementary classes and I hope you have enjoyed the extra time with me! haha.. Anyway, enjoy what is left of your holidays and I will see you during NDP training! Cheerios!
With love,
Ms Lye
the holidays are here! Hurray! I know I have made you come back to school for one whole week of supplementary classes and I hope you have enjoyed the extra time with me! haha.. Anyway, enjoy what is left of your holidays and I will see you during NDP training! Cheerios!
With love,
Ms Lye
At 12:58 PM, FourGians said…
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At 1:00 PM, FourGians said…
yeah!!!!! holidays are here i love holidays n still got NDP but i love NDP because it if fun and exciting
your truly:Joey from 4G
At 1:00 PM, FourGians said…
yeah!!!!! holidays are here i love holidays n still got NDP but i love NDP because it if fun and exciting
your truly:Joey from 4G
At 1:53 PM, FourGians said…
yeah!!holidays but there is still NDP. Love: aslin.
At 2:42 PM, FourGians said…
yeah!!!!holidays are here!I can rest for some of the day.
Yours truly,Elydia
At 2:07 PM, 关老师 Mr Kwan said…
I will see all of you tomorrow (9/6) during NDP! :)
Mr Kwan
At 9:44 PM, MarcellaTan said…
Holidays are erm....Fun with NDP !!!
Hope you have fun during your June holidays !! Thank You Ms Lye !! :D
Have Fun !! !! !!
I Love Going To NDP !!!
Hope Have It Next Year And It Is WuShu !!! :D Enjoy !!
Yours Turly , Marcella Tan 4G 2006
At 3:01 PM, FourGians said…
Hi MsLye!!!!!!!What are u doing now.I am very happy to play Treasure Hunts.I hope we could play some other fun games again.I`m very happy to be in 4G.Luckily I`m in your class because we sometimes played some fun activities this year.I love to take part in NDP.Do u still remember my brother,Yazid.Now,he is very naughty!Okay!!!Bye!!Bye!!
At 4:52 PM, FourGians said…
Yeah!!! I love holidays i can go to other country.But now i can't go because of NDP training.I like to go NDP training.See you Bye Bye!!
your truly,Su Ping
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